Thank you for your interest in applying to live at Solano Belleair! We are an Equal Housing Opportunity provider. The details surrounding qualifications are below. Please call our office to speak to our expert leasing team who can explain this program in detail.

Are You a Qualified Applicant? 

The Solano Belleair Workforce Housing Program offers apartments for residents whose household income falls under the 120% AMI (Area Median Income) range. See exhibit below for the income limits based on household size. Your rent is calculated at 33% of your gross income, divided by 12.

Solano Income Qualifications

What Do I Need to Pre-Qualify?

To begin the application, please present the following documents:

  • Completed application for every household member 18 years of age and older.
  • Six months of checking account statements, one month savings account statement, and four most recent consecutive pay stubs.
  • Additional documents may be required depending on each person's individual income and assets.

Please contact our office with any questions.